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IoT and Home Automation: What does the Future Hold?

Iot and Home Automation

· smart home

It was a dream once but not anymore, IoT home automation is slowly and steadily becoming a part of our daily lives. And, in fact, it is believed that that global market of smart home automation is set to reach $40 billion by 2020.

For many, this did not come as a surprise if you take into consideration the ease and security it brings in, making lives simpler one step at a time. Moreover, with these IoT devices being interconnected, it has become easier to manage multiple operations.

Let us have a look into the IoT home automation – Smart homes and the Internet of Things.

Before you process, let us have a closer look at what IoT is. Internet of Things is an umbrella term, and it has many verticals under it, and you can also use them for all technologies that enable the connection of a device to the internet.

A system like such is heavily dependent on data. The data collected is then used for monitoring and transferring information to other appliances via the internet. This allows certain actions to be automatically activated when the situation arises. For instance, take a smart kettle that can be programmed to automatically turn off once it reaches a specific temperature. Not just that, it will also send a notification to you regarding the same.

That being said, now apply the same concept but to your house and the devices that are present. Instead of manually going up and turning on/off the device, you can now easily do it by just pressing one button on your phone or any other smart device. These days, most smart IoT home automation devices allow you to control them via an app or even via voice commands.


Anywhere you go, smart lighting is all everyone talks about. You can control their intensity and turn them on/off according to your need. However, in the future, it is believed that it will be able to take more action with the help of IoT.

For instance, the lights will be able to respond to your home cinema. It will be able to turn on or off whenever you start watching a movie. Moving forward, they will be able to react to the type of movie.


These days, you can have full control over your home thermostat through your app. In the future, the thermostat will be able to recognize when you are about to reach home and then check the room temperature and external temperature and set the temperature that’s right for you. Not just that, in the future, it might even recognize the actions that you are taking and then adjust accordingly.

Home routines

It is possible for most homes to be connected with smart home devices. You have smart sockets and switches that can automatically turn on/off devices followed by smart alarms that can play music when you wake up or even tell you the news. Then with the help of voice assistants, they can even run your entire routines where the lights, home appliances, thermostats, alarms, and other devices are controlled and function according to your need.

Here’s hoping that you got a fair idea of what the future of smart home automation holds for us. In case we missed out on a few things, then please let us know. Happy reading!